Chemistry Evaluation Test
A comprehensive chemisty profile ideal for canine screening; the chemistry evaluation allows for a thorough look at the puppies organ function, which helps detect mainly issues with liver and kidney function. This initial bloodwork can offer insight on the health of your puppy at a fraction of the rate your local vet would charge. Detecting issues with organ function is impossible at a normal vet physical. Know your pup’s baseline and start off with maximum peace of mind with the chemistry evaluation test.
Included in the Chemistry Evaluation Test?

Bile Acid Test
$99.95 or FREE if chemistry evaluation results show high levels of ALT
Bile acids are compounds that are made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder. The bile acid test is a very useful test that helps to determine if the liver is working properly. Specifically, the test answers three questions:
Does the liver have enough healthy cells to do its job?
Does the liver have a good blood supply?
Is bile moving freely through and out of the liver?
The bile acid test is based on the principle that a healthy liver can “recycle” bile acids, while a damaged or defective liver cannot.
This test rules out liver shunts which is a common genetic defect in small breed puppies.